Rank: Civilian, US Civil Defense Corps (Temporary)
Unit: PA Civil Defense Force, South East PA, 8th Group (Temporary)
Auxiliary Role: Co-Driver
Alternate Role: Security, Support/Assists
Blood Type: B POS
Hometown: Hatboro, Pennsylvania, United States
Jack is one of the handful of lucky individuals not called up for the draft. Instead, he finished college and worked as an engineer for an aerospace company until desk duty drove him to take a leave of absence. He has currently joined his best friend, Hatch, in the PA Civil Defense Corps and has been assigned to guard an airport with him, far from the frontlines. What could go wrong?

Rank: Cadet, US Army and US Civil Defense Corps
Unit: PA Civil Defense Force, South East PA, 8th Group
Auxiliary Role: Driver
Alternate Role: Security, Rifleman, Spotter
Blood Type: O POS
Hometown: Horsham, Pennsylvania, United States
Hatch recently graduated from his college’s ROTC program but was unable to receive a commission because of exercise induced asthma. Although he’s certainly lacking in strength and stamina, he has the basics of being a soldier down pat and always gave training exercises his all. However, the cadet still struggles with the fact that he never actually accomplished what he set out to do: become an official US Army soldier. Since then, he has volunteered for the Pennsylvania’s Civil Defense Corps. So far, he hasn’t seen any combat…

Rank: Second Lieutenant, US Army
Unit: 13th Armored Division, 10th Special Missions Unit, Second Platoon
Armor Role: Main Battle Tank Commander
Squad Role: Assaulter/Scout, Riflemen/Medic
Blood Type: O NEG
Hometown: Yuba City, California, United States
Vanessa is the Helcat crew’s devoted commander. She is highly skilled in the art of modern armored warfare as well as being the squad’s field medic. The lieutenant is the oldest and most mature of the Americans, although just barely older. Her dedication and poise shrouds alluring mysteries about her past, but her love and caring for the girls under her command inspires loyalty and adoration.

Rank: Private First Class, US Army
Unit: 13th Armored Division, 10th Special Missions Unit, Second Platoon
Armor Role: Main Battle Tank Loader
Squad Role: Automatic Riflemen/Heavy Gunner, Demolitions/Ballistics
Blood Type: A NEG
Hometown: Rapid City, South Dakota
Cara’s best friend since grade school, Lexi is the crew’s energetic support. As the Helcat crew’s loader and squad’s machine gunner, her unmatched strength and energy serve as the keystone to the group’s functionality. Always cheerful, always ready, Lexi binds the group together and is a constant force for keeping up the unit’s morale.

Rank: Corporal, US Army
Unit: 13th Armored Division, 10th Special Missions Unit, Second Platoon
Armor Role: Main Battle Tank Driver
Squad Role: Engineer/Technician, Grenadier/Rocketman
Blood Type: A POS
Hometown: Rapid City, South Dakota
Cara is the Helcat crew’s dedicated driver and engineer. Both skilled and passionate, she instills respect and sometimes even fear into those around her. Since joining the Army, she has focused on becoming the best fighter she can be in addition to learning about the Abrams Tank both inside and out. Her anger and frustration drive her, but the rest of the crew’s diverse demeanor helps Cara keep somewhat in-check with her own emotions.

Rank: Specialist, US Army
Unit: 13th Armored Division, 10th Special Missions Unit, Second Platoon
Armor Role: Main Battle Tank Gunner
Squad Role: Sniper/Recon, Designated Marksman/Spotter
Blood Type: AB POS
Hometown: Tumacacori-Carmen, Arizona
Milly is the Helcat crew’s main gunner. Her steady hand and precise trigger finger lend to her skills at both operating the Abrams’ 120mm cannon and the plethora of scoped rifles she has brought along for her journey. Calm and collected, SPC McMillan is relied upon to execute dangerous orders in a pinch, her keen eyesight and quick calculations have been the bane of many confident foes who thought themselves out of reach of death’s touch. Originally from rural Arizona, the Specialist suppresses the pain of great losses in her past with the swift gratification of high velocity revenge.

Rank: Shang Deng Bing (Senior Private - Private First Class)
Unit: Gōng Zhǔ, PLA Special Forces
Gōng Zhǔ Type: G
Armor Role: Main Battle Tank Gunner
Special Role: Demolitions, Close Combat
Blood Type: A NEG
Hometown: 最高机密
Meifeng identifies as a G-Type Gōng Zhǔ and is the main gun operator of a Chinese Type 99A2 main battle tank. Less mature than her fellow crew members, Meifeng is very childish in nature and behavior, relying on both the C-Type and D-Type Gōng Zhǔ she is assigned to work with for guidance. Despite this, she is one of the most highly trained and exceptionally skilled members of the Chinese Military. As a gunner, she has found modern electronic assisted aiming to be very similar to the video games she enjoys playing in her spare time. Meifeng has a cutesy appearance and way of talking; this is only escalated when her adrenaline gets pumping from close combat, making it sometimes very difficult for her to calm down. For this reason, she is occasionally treated like an attack dog, which she surprisingly does not mind as long as she gets to spill blood.

Rank: Xia Shi (Junior Sergeant - Corporal)
Unit: Gōng Zhǔ, PLA Special Forces
Gōng Zhǔ Type: D
Armor Role: Main Battle Tank Driver
Special Role: Scout, Intelligence
Blood Type: B NEG
Hometown: 最高机密
Meiyu identifies as a D-Type Gōng Zhǔ and is the driver of a Chinese Type 99A2 main battle tank. Although exceptionally skilled at her job, she is bored easily and has become relatively disinterested in the war. She looks at combat the way many look at part-time jobs while in high school. She anxiously awaits for it to end so she can move onto other things, although it’s not clear what her future goals are. Meiyu is also somewhat obsessed with her appearance. She is extremely proud of her body image and will happily seek attention from nearly anyone who will look.

Rank: Shang Shi (Senior Sergeant - Staff Sergeant)
Unit: Gōng Zhǔ, PLA Special Forces
Gōng Zhǔ Type: C
Armor Role: Main Battle Tank Commander
Special Role: Assault, Interrogations
Blood Type: AB NEG
Hometown: 最高机密
Meixue identifies as a C-Type Gōng Zhǔ and is the commander of a Chinese Type 99A2 main battle tank. She is a demanding leader and has very little patience for the antics of her crew. Despite often being mocked by those directly under her command, her record in battle is one of cunning violence of action, resulting in many great victories. Meixue has been trained extremely well, and does a poor job of hiding the fact that she longs to be recognized for her many wartime accomplishments.